Chapter News

ISM—Louisville, Inc. is looking for volunteers. Volunteering has many great benefits from leadership development to continuing education, personal growth to network building. Join the team and let's support our profession. Submit the online form and get involved today! 



ESG Compliance Requires Actionable Data

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) pillars are becoming increasingly embedded in supply management practices. Yet their underlying mission can be easily lost in boardroom discussions about the spend, labor and training needed to adopt and hone such practices.

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ISM's Business Survey Committee

ISM®'s Manufacturing, Services, and Hospital Report On Business® gather data on a monthly basis through surveys of supply management professionals participating in the Business Survey Committee. The make-up of this committee is determined by industry category and is based on each industry's contribution to Gross Domestic Product.

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ISM World Conference

Be a part of THE supply chain and procurement event of the year. Our conference design helps foster meaningful connection with the professional community.

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